May all in this world be happy, may they be healthy, may they be comfortable and never miserable. May the rain come down in the proper time, may the earth yield plenty of corn, may the country be free from war.
  Vedic Astrology & Healing
  About Myself - an introduction

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ABOUT MYSELF - an introduction


Hi visitor,
I,m a VEDIC ASTROLOGER, NUMEROLOGIST, SPIRITUAL & HOLISTIC HEALER engaged in the profession of prognostication for over a decade. This site has been developed most humbly dealing with important aspects of vedic astrology and healing techniques for the benefit of one and all. My professional name as given by my “ Guruji “ is Amiyangsu and the birth name being Sanjib Chowdhury.
Nothing is more difficult in the present state of our knowledge than to say in what events and circumstances any given combination will express itself. The precision of mathematics should be harmoniously combined with the intuitive capacity of the astrologer.
The ancient Maharishis who have propounded the rules of astrology were sages of high physic development and examined terrestrial and celestial phenomena by their divine sight or DIVYA DRISTI who have left great names in the landmarks of time. They saw many phenomena which science failed to see with instruments. Even the seemingly skeptics contend that astrology is a fit subject for investigations provided the DESTINY factor is rulled out. It is for information to all of them that, there is nothing like DESTINY in astrology. The proper term to be used is ADRISHTA – that which is not seen. The word JYOTISH consists of two parts i.e. JYOTI means Light and ISHA means To See, and the subject merely shows light in the Dark and Unseen Future. Astrology simply indicates and gives the greatest scope for the development of will power, by means of which one can either counteract the evil indications or augment the favourable indications.
In the pages I have tried to deal with various houses and their significations as it must be noted that the Twelve Houses have reference to the material relation of JEEVA
 ( soul ) in its journey from cradle to grave. According to one explanation, the ancient Hindu day was divided into twelve sections of 5 ghatis each and each section was devoted to certain definite duties of the daily routine. A day started about few ghatis before sunrise . From this time onwards till sunrise the activities were purely personal. Hence the First House became the personal house. The second half of the day commenced after setting of the evening ( seventh period of 5 ghatis ). This period always a period of amusement and relaxation – of meeting partners and enjoying the pleasure of contact. Hence, the 7th. House came to be associated with wife or partner. The house opposite the ascendant must be one with whom to form a pair and therefore the 7th. House refers to Wife and Partner. The ancient Maharishis discovered grand and glorious truths with the aid of Divya Drishti or introspection and our job is to apply the rules to practical horoscopes.
I crave the indulgence of the visitors to this site to contribute to the site with their valuable suggestions using the navigation links – CONTACT or making GUEST BOOK entries. However they can mail me directly at :-             Mob. 9830947234
Services available :-  ( PAID SERVICES ONLY )
  1. Casting of Vedic Natal Chart and total Analysis with remedies.
  2. Holistic and Spiritual Healing.
  3. Different types of Therapy ( Not an alternative to Medical therapy/Treatment ).
  4. Reiki ctc.
  5. Numerology.
Disclaimer :- The Healing Techniques mentioned and contains in the pages are in no way substitute or alternative to conventional medical treatment for diseases.




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ein Bild
  Important Disclaimer The Healing Techniques mentioned and contains in the pages are purely Holistical and no way a substitute to conventional treatment or advise of Medical Science. These are at best complementary.  
Where the mind is without fear By Rabindranath Tagore Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic wars; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action - Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. This website was created for free with Would you also like to have your own website?
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