May all in this world be happy, may they be healthy, may they be comfortable and never miserable. May the rain come down in the proper time, may the earth yield plenty of corn, may the country be free from war.
  Vedic Astrology & Healing
  Healing Tips - 4

ein Bild
Holistic Healing - “YOGA NIDRA” and Managing Stress & Hypertension
Yoga Nidra means yoga sleep but it’s actually a wakeful state of deep introversion and denotes the highest state of consciousness. There’s no auto – suggestion, no self – hypnosis, and you do not have to be “conditioned” . All that is needed is to do the techniques correctly and seriously and the results will speak for themselves.
Before starting perform some stretching exercise to warm up the whole body.
Lie down flat in CORPSE POSE and while doing so see you are lying symmetrically as symmetry provides proper space for all parts to relax. Close your eyes and detach your mind, breathe normally, do not try to do any thing, not even to relax. After a minute loosen up body part by part with slight movement. Let gravity embrace you, feel your weight pulling you deeper into relaxation, melting your body into the floor. Breathe deeply and slowly concentrating on the right abdomen riding up and down on the breath, sinking deeper with each exhalation. Feel how your abdomen swells and falls. By this time many important physiological changes are taking place, reducing the body’s energy loss, removing stress, lowering pulse rate, resting whole system as you enter deep relaxation. You feel your mind grow clear and detached.
Rotation Awareness
Involves six steps during which we progressively relax all parts of the body. During these steps focus your mind on the body parts and not on your breath. See your body as an object and your mind as an instrument of your inner spirit directing the flow of” Prana” into your body. While relaxing a specific part, imagine that the PRANA is flowing through the Part as you inhale and exhale freely.
1st. Step –Yoga Nidra – 1 Feet and Legs
Be aware of left toes from little to big, sole of feet, heel, ankle, top of foot, calf muscles, shin bone, knee joint to pelvis and back to toe again. Imagine the flow of Prana upwards as you inhale and downwards as you exhale. Repeat this for right leg also.
2nd. Step – Yoga Nidra – 2  Abdomen
Mind your Abdominal Organs, colon, bladder, sexual organ, intestine, spleen, liver, pancreas and stomach – Dwell in each for few seconds and inhale while upwards and exhale in downwards.
3rd. Step – Yoga Nidra – 3 Buttocks.
Concentrate on your buttocks, lower and upper back and syncronize the breath.
4th. Step – Yoga Nidra – 4 Chest.
Direct awareness to left lung, right lung, bronchial tubes, sense the heart beat, left and right kidneys and syncronize breath.
5th. Step – Yoga Nidra – 5 Hands and Arms.
Follow the same for left and right from wrists to elbow up and down and from elbow to upper arms up and down – inhale while up and exhale while down.
6th. Step – Yoga Nidra – 6 Head and Neck
Concentrate on throat and neck, back of head, jaws, cheeks, chin, nose, inside mouth and nose, eye lids, inside the eyes, eye brows, forehead, left and right temple, ears and finally top of head- hold on to each for few seconds and breathe normal.
Feel the coolness of your breath inside your head as you inhale. Detach mind and lie peacefully for 5 minutes and continue the process regularly to have the fullest advantage of this holistic approach.
ein Bild
  Important Disclaimer The Healing Techniques mentioned and contains in the pages are purely Holistical and no way a substitute to conventional treatment or advise of Medical Science. These are at best complementary.  
Where the mind is without fear By Rabindranath Tagore Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic wars; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action - Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. This website was created for free with Would you also like to have your own website?
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