May all in this world be happy, may they be healthy, may they be comfortable and never miserable. May the rain come down in the proper time, may the earth yield plenty of corn, may the country be free from war.
  Vedic Astrology & Healing
  Metaphysical Astrology

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Learning A New Language

 I wish to share what I've learned from my 25 years of astrological research and sessions, psychic channelings on astrology, and my practice as a therapist as it applies to astrology. I hope this is of value to you.

I would like to start by stating that I have found astrology to be an excellent resource in understanding the human psyche and the life journey of each person. Astrology can be used to accurately discern personality factors, talents, relationships, spiritual lessons, and much more.

It has taken me years to learn know how to blend factors effectively, what to ignore and what to focus on, and how a particular configuration is likely to play itself out in a person's life.

I have found several fundamental patterns to hold true:

1. People do not "transcend their charts." They can become exquisite expressions of their nature, but they don't leave their nature behind.

2.The chart is only one factor in a person's makeup. Parental influences, social structures, diet, genetics, and other factors all must be taken into account. After all, the same chart can describe a person, a cat, a hurricane, the opening of a store, or the onset of an illness. Obviously, one cannot read a chart without knowing if it is the chart of a person, pet, event, or something else.

3. Common sense must always be used. If a particular configuration occurs in approximately one third of all charts, e.g. Jupiter in the same mode as the Moon (the Gajakeshari yoga of Vedic astrology), and you give it undue importance, or interpret it to mean something that only applies to a tiny minority of people (such as "You are going to be very rich"), then you are missing the boat. Think.

4. All factors do interact. The more advanced an astrologer gets, the more they can blend everything in the chart together and really see the chart as a mirror of a functioning individual. To get to this stage requires both a deep understanding of all of astrology's elements and an intuitive, transpersonal mind.

Logic and analytical understanding are simply not enough to become a great astrologer. You must learn to move beyond concepts, ego, and ordinary thinking patterns and let your mind go, receive, and flow.

5. Very little, in a chart reading of a person who has done a lot of work on themselves, will be surprising. Yet, as the Sufis say, we learn through repetition. And so showing a person again to themselves is still very useful. Just remember that as an astrologer, you have the sacred task of not only holding up a clear mirror, but one that helps the person become more enlightened, encouraged, and alive. It is vital to stay aware of the effect a reading is having on a client, and of the client's needs.

6. The greatest gift that an astrologer can give a client is the understanding that the client is unique, worthwhile, on a sacred journey, and that navigating the waters of their life will get easier with the knowledge that is being shared. May every chart reading be blessed.

To understand the basics of astrology, you have to learn a new language. This is the archetypal language of the planets, signs, houses, and aspects. And so a brief glossary is perhaps the place to begin:

The Planets. The actual moving bodies in the sky. They represent parts of ourselves, signify many different themes, people, and patterns (e.g. the Moon signifies ones inner child, ones mother, defensive patterns, and much more.), and are the only things in the chart that actually physically exist. (If you think that the constellations physically exist, you need to realize that they are stars grouped together from our vantage point and none other.)

The Signs. In the West, the signs are determined Tropically, i.e. the Sun's yearly movement determines the beginning and end of each sign. In Vedic astrology, the beginning of the constellation Aries is determined, and then the sky is divided into twelve slices therefrom. The signs represent the energies that the planets express, they signify the temperament, the primary and secondary modalities (tones) of an individual, and more. Each is ruled (owned) by a specific planet.

The Houses. The sky is also divided into twelve sections starting from the eastern horizon, counterclockwise. Each house represents an area of life (e.g. money, marriage, etc.) as well as many additional concrete and abstract factors, such as parts of the body, specific people and objects in a person's life, and much more.

The Aspects. Each planet can be in any of several types of relationships to each other planet. These relationships are determined by how far from each other the planets are. For example, if Jupiter is one third of the sky from the Moon, it casts blessings and good fortune upon the Moon by its "trine" aspect. The aspects between planets indicate the degree of integration, conflict, and harmony in the person's psyche and in the person's life, and their major life challenges and gifts. They also join planets into larger groupings and combinations that function together.

Analogies that can help you understand how these factors operate together are:

1. The planets are the actors, the signs are their roles, the houses the stage or set they appear on, and the aspects their relationships with each other.

2. The planets as people who live in specific houses but own other properties, who have disputes and alliances (aspects) with other landlords, and their own style of running their homes (signs).

3. The planets as specific functions in the person, such as the socializing function (venus), or assertion (mars), and the houses as where these are expressed, and the signs as the manner in which the functions operate (e.g. quietly, emotionally, etc.).

4. The physical correlates: the Sun is heart, the Moon your belly, Mercury your sense organs, etc.

5. A psychological model: Saturn is your superego or inner parent, the Sun your ego or adult, and the Moon and Mars your subconscious, inner child, or id.

Aderan says: Astrology is a door opening to your soul. It shows a pathway to your wholeness. Allowing yourself to face and accept the lessons, gifts, and flow of your life is one of astrology's offerings. It can teach you to both accept your differences from others and to know your true heart.

  Important Disclaimer The Healing Techniques mentioned and contains in the pages are purely Holistical and no way a substitute to conventional treatment or advise of Medical Science. These are at best complementary.  
Where the mind is without fear By Rabindranath Tagore Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic wars; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action - Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. This website was created for free with Would you also like to have your own website?
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